Home Sores Sore Inside Nose, won’t heal, Pictures, Causes and how to get Rid

Sore Inside Nose, won’t heal, Pictures, Causes and how to get Rid

Sores inside nose present themselves in different ways. Some are white others are painful and others won’t even heal. Find out what they look in pictures, causes, how they are linked to cancer and how to get rid of them.

What are inside of nose sores?

Sores inside the nose refer to a lesion, wound or ulcer that brings about pain, irritation or agony to your nasal cavity.

You will also realize that these sores may occasionally have scabs at the top with some change in their pigmentation.

Mostly, sores inside the nose heal by themselves. Simply calm and avoid picking and forcefully blowing your nose as this will make them stay exposed to many factors such as bacteria hence taking longer to cure.

Moreover, visiting your doctor for medical assistance is encouraged as a time; the sores can be recurring indicating a more serious condition.

Further, knowing the cause of your sores makes it easier to know the type of medication to take.

Sometimes, you may suffer from nose lesions and start wondering about their origin.

White & Painful

The sores can be white, painful. Following is discussion on what these signs mean.


Generally, when sores form inside the nose they will appear white due to the scabs that cover the wounded region.

Moreover, dry air during the winter seasons will lead to formation of the white sores.

These are accompanied by a bad odor especially when they are big in size and filled with mucus.

Besides, the appalling scent may be as a result of bleeding in cases where the sores have been disturbed.

Eventually, this causes unease in your nasal cavity.

In addition, a foul scent can be an indication of an underlying disease in the nose septum.

The white sores can also be infected leading to a bad smell. You should visit your health specialist in case of smelly white sores in the nose for examination and treatment.


When a sore inside your nasal cavity is painful it shows that you may be suffering from a bacterial infection or nasal herpes.[1]

A staphylococcus bacterium is the commonly known cause of painful sores that are regularly associated with scab formation.

On the other hand, nasal herpes in the nose are caused by Herpes virus hence passed from one individual to the other. This can happen through kissing or hugging infected persons.

Herpes virus interferes with the delicate epidermal cells on the nose lining, leading to blisters filled with fluid. Eventually, the blisters rapture causing painful sores in your nose surface.

Nose Sores & Cancer

How are they linked with cancer? Nasopharyngeal cancer refers to the cancer of the nose which results from growth of cancerous cells in the nose lining or the region at the back of your nose.

According to Dr. Terence Ten, A senior consultant of the National Cancer Centre, nose cancer is common in men as compared to women and occurs to persons in the age bracket of 35 and 55. He also says that it is hereditary; passed from one generation to the other in a family.

Nose cancer is signified by painless bumps in the nose that ultimately become sores if not treated on time.

Other symptoms may include recurrent nosebleeds and fatigue among others.

In addition, nasal cavity sores may result from surgical operation in the removal of cancerous cells from your nose or rhinoplasty.

Though, you are advised to check any other symptoms you may be experiencing before drawing your conclusion that you are suffering from nasal cancer since its occurrence is quite unusual.


There are many causes of nose sores which may include both mild and severe condition. These are as discussed below;


This refers to a contagious bacterial infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This infection is commonly found in young people especially children of ages below 7 years.[2]

This is very common in hot and wet regions where the bacterium can survive.

This bacterium rarely causes nose sores unless you push it into such by inducing desirable conditions which include picking your nose or poor hygiene conditions.

Furthermore, an injury in the nose causing occurrence of open wounds gives the bacteria a conducive environment for survival.

If you have a low immune system you are likely to suffer from nasal sores as the bacteria can attack your body anytime.

In the case of impertigo, you will notice white sores that mimic fluid filled blisters. When disturbed, they ooze the fluid hence appearing like ulcers. You are advised to always keep watch over your kids as impertigo is highly contagious.


Generally, quite a big number of persons are allergic to environmental factors such as dust, pollen and weather changes among others.

Allergy, especially as a result of weather changes may lead to swelling of the mucus membrane in the nasal cavity.

Further, when the inflamed region is disturbed, development of wounds that are sometimes painful may occur.

Health specialists suggest that you opt for antihistamines in case you are allergic to some aspects that may lead to sore development in your nasal cavity.

Other factors that can lead to allergic reactions include aerosol and nasal sprays.

Herpes simplex

This refers to a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus that occurs in any part of your body including the nose. [3]There are two types of herpes simplex virus; HSV-1 And HSV-2.

HSV-1 is transmitted through actions such as kissing, sharing utensils or even lipsticks.

HSV-2 is spread through sexual activities and it is responsible for triggering sore formation in areas around the mouth and inside the nose.

Nasal lesions caused by herpes simplex are usually painful. They appear like a group of blisters inside the nose.


Polyps are non-cancerous growths formed specifically on the nose passage due to irritation or injury of the mucous lining.[4]

Just like other nasal sores, polyps are painful. You are likely to develop polyps if you suffer from sinusitis, a condition that involves swelling of the sinuses.

Blowing too hard

Sometimes, you may suffer from common cold, also known as flu or allergic rhinitis. During such moments, you will experience a running nose and always develop urge to blow your nose.

Moreover, when your nose comes into contact with allergens such as pollen and dust, you may be attempted to blow it so as to get rid of the foreign objects.

When the removal of the objects is done using a lot of force it results in destruction of the inner cells of the nose causing sores. You are therefore advised to ensure calm and deliberate nose blowing


Dry conditions inside your nose due to inhalation of dry air or some infection can lead to development of nasal sores. This occurs due to the cracking of the delicate epidermal cells of the mucous lining.


Lupus, also known as systematic lupus erythematosus refers to a condition in which the immune system of your body reacts against your body cells leading to nasal ulcers known as lupus nose sores.

In this case, your body functions in such a way that the immune system fails to distinguish between antigens and normal body tissues.

As a result, your body produces antibodies directing them to act against the fit tissues which leads to swelling, hurt and cells destruction.

Other signs associated with lupus are face rashes, ulcers of the buccal cavity and arthritis. Lupus in non-contagious hence does not impose a lot of danger to the persons around the infected individual.


Nasal sores symptoms vary from one individual to the other, depending on their cause. Some of the common symptoms that you may have include;

  • Pain inside the nasal cavity. This may be as a result of certain bacterial infections such as impertigo. However, picking your nose or hard blowing may as well lead to hurting nose sores.
  • Irritation and itchy nose. Foreign objects such as dust particles will cause irritation. Additionally, Staphylococcus aureus bacterium is a possible cause of itchy nasal lesions.
  • Redness inside the nose. This is very common in case of bleeding sores. Inserting objects inside the nose will hurt the wound causing bleeding.
  • Inflammation of the cells near the ulcers. The cells swellings may lead to blister breakages which will worsen the condition.

Other symptoms include running nose in case of sinusitis, bleeding, crusts or scab formation and facial numbness.

How to get rid

Nasal lesions are very common. However, in most cases they go away by themselves but in case of frequent occurrence you are encouraged to visit your doctor for medical attention. Some of the ways you can use to get rid of nasal ulcers are described below;

medical treatment

Medical treatment of nasal wounds depends on their cause. The prescription given by your doctor may include;

Antibiotics such as antibacterial and antiviral medication in cases where sores are as a result of bacterial infection or herpes simplex virus. This will help prevent further occurrence of the lesions.

Anesthetic ointments and creams which will speed up the curing process. Further, they help calm the pain giving you an easy moment of healing.

If you have developed sores from allergic reactions, caused by allergens, the doctor will prescribe allergy treatment that will help minimize the reactions.

You are highly encouraged to seek medical help before administering any treatment so as to establish the cause of your nasal ulcers. Different causes are approached in different ways.

Home remedies

Home treatment options involve;

Taking a lot of fluids like water which is required that you drink 8 to 10 glasses per day. This helps the body to remain hydrated hence prevent dryness and hurting of the nasal passage.

In addition, a lot of water will reduce the level of toxin in the body that may cause sore development.

Consumption of vitamin C will help in treating colds that may cause nasal lesions. Ascorbic acid has strong immune properties that facilitate faster healing of wounds. This can be administered in the form of oils, fresh fruits like oranges or in their supplements.

Use of cold compress can also help in relieving pain resulting from the lesions. This is believing to be the best way of reducing pain from inflammation achieved through the following steps;

  1. Soak a clean cloth in cold water to soften the fibers. You can use ice cubes instead of water.
  2. Squeeze the excess fluid from the cloth.
  3. Place the piece of cloth on your nose right above the wounds. Alternatively, you can wrap the ice cubes in the cloth to achieve the desired relieve.

Use of petroleum jelly or saline spray to maintain the nostrils hydrated. Vaseline holds moisture preventing the nose inner membrane from drying which may cause further cracking of your nasal passage.

Use of vitamin A and D ointment which is essential in healing of wounds. This oil contains vitamin A and D which destroy bacteria therefore minimizing the sore development.

Additionally, this ointment has no side effects hence an effective way of treating nose sores at home.

You are urged to avoid disturbing the sores through nose picking or inserting objects in the nose.

In case you have irritating crusts, try using nasal spray drops to soften them then softly use cotton buds to remove them.

Try not to pick your nose at all times as you will lead to further development of the wounds.

Always ensure you observe high levels of hygiene. Clean your hands after visiting the toilets and handling unclean items. This will help you prevent bacteria invasion to your nasal cavity.

Moreover, if you are suffering from sinusitis or common cold, ensure that you blow your nose slowly and gently.

Too much force and pressure will hurt the sores which may result into frequent bleeding.

Bleeding lesions take longer to heal and may be very painful at times.

Dealing with Sore inside Nose that won’t heal

Sometimes, you may develop nasal lesions that hardly go away even after treatment.

This type of nasal sore is usually aching causing a lot of discomfort.

In such a case, you are required to carefully examine the underlying cause for better ways of dealing with the situation.

Some sores that fail to heal on treatment maybe as a result of herpes simplex or bacterial infections.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor for medical assistance. Prescriptions of antibiotics can help you get rid of their frequent occurrence.


[1] http://beautyhows.com/nose/nose-condition/sores-in-nose-that-wont-heal-causes-what-to-do/

[2] https://www.medicinenet.com/impetigo/article.htm

[3] https://www.healthline.com/health/herpes-simplex#symptoms

[4] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/nasal-polyps/symptoms…/syc-20351888


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