Biotin weight gain effects is a subject sought by quite a number of online users. The big question: does this B-vitamin make you gain weight? This article intends to particularly explore the link between biotin and weight gain or loss as well as the effects of too much or an overdose. In addition, find an overview of common doses like 5000mcg, 1000Mcg & 10000Mcg.
Does Biotin make you Gain Weight? Is there a link between Biotin and Weight Gain/Loss
Vitamin B7, the other name for Biotin, is a water-soluble vitamin B complex. It has also been known by other names including vitamin H and coenzyme R. B complex is a group of essential nutrients needed for healthy metabolic, digestive, nerve, and cardiovascular functions
Biotin for Weight Loss
Biotin acts as a coenzyme in the body that’s needed for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. It helps breakdown food components like carbohydrates into energy.
Fact: your metabolism regulates the rate at which the body burns off calories, and a well-functioning metabolism is important for weight management. In other words taking sufficient biotin should help you lose weight.
Biotin is definitely good for weight loss. It will help your metabolism which in turn will contribute to a healthy weight

Biotin and Weigh Gain
The body turns excess calories into fat. The first key step in the process uses an enzyme that is dependent on biotin. The enzyme is called acetyl-coA carboxylase, or ACC.
Decreased ACC enzyme activity may result in reduced synthesis of fat for storage as triglyceride and greater use of fat as an energy source, that is according to the results of a mouse study published in 2007 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Overweight and obesity are associated with elevated triglycerides — fat — and LDL — the “bad cholesterol” both of which are risk factors for heart disease. This makes biotin a factor leading to weight gain
What it all means is that insufficient biotin within your body may lead to slow or weak metabolism which in turn can result to a number health issues including weight gain. However, this appears a very indirect way of gaining weight. Other signs of a slack metabolism include;
- Digestive problems
- Poor moods
- Possible development of diabetes
- Changes in appetite
According to experts, most vitamin deficiencies (including Vitamin D & B-12) actually manifest as weight gain. For those who want to gain weight, this unfortunately isn’t the recommended way to gain weight. You need the vitamins for your body to stay health and function well. Biotin isn’t specifically designed for weight gain.
What happens if you take too much Biotin- Weight Loss or Gain?
The popularity of biotin as a supplement has been growing in the past few years. Studies show that biotin can help your hair to grow long and thick. It is also good for your nails.
A number of users who have had good results while using biotin for hair and nails have also given positive reviews. It is from the positive reviews and research that biotin draws its popularity. Owing to its popularity, many users who wish to give it a try, have always wanted to know if taking too much of it can lead to weight gain or loss. Most people especially ladies want to lose weight. There are others especially skinny men who just want to gain weight
Vitamins, be it biotin or any other multivitamin, aren’t really meant to make you gain weight. Vitamins and vitamin supplements are supposed to boost the nutrients your body system requires to work properly.
So, can biotin overdose make you gain weight? Simply put, there are studies to support the idea that biotin can directly make you gain weight. Unless you are taking a biotin supplement that is mixed with other substances/supplements that may make you gain weight.
Safe Dosage of Biotin
Research shows that biotin does not produce toxicity at high doses, nor is it associated with side effects, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

However, if your body does not sit well with biotin, you experience the following signs and side effects
- Flushing of the skin
- Excessive urination
- Increased thirst
- Skin eruptions/rashes /Acne
- Itchiness of the skin
Adult’s dosage
The recommended daily intake of biotin for men, women and pregnant females is 30 mcg. If you have difficulty getting enough of this nutrient from consuming biotin-rich foods, such as eggs, nuts, whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables, talk with your doctor about adding a biotin supplement to your daily regimen.
Dosage for Lactating Women
Mothers who are breastfeeding need to get more biotin each day to ensure their nursing infant receives appropriate amounts of this nutrient. While lactating, women should increase their biotin intake to 35 mcg daily.
Dosage for Biotin Deficiency people
If you have unusually low biotin levels, it is recommended that you include a biotin supplement to your diet. Depending on your health status, your daily dose of biotin may range between 100 and 1000 mcg. However, health professionals with the University of Maryland Medical Center warn that the safety of biotin has only been established for daily doses of 30 to 600 mcg. For this reason, larger doses of biotin should only be used if you’re under the direct care of a physician.
Biotin Dosage for Infants or Kids
Biotin has been used effectively to treat dandruff and skin rash in children. Some children are born with an inherited deficiency condition known as biotinidase deficiency. This means that they lack the enzyme used by biotin. It has over time been emphasized that you should not give biotin to a child unless a pediatrician recommends it.
Before deciding on whether to give a child biotin supplements, it is advisable that you make optimal use of biotin found in common foods before going for supplements. Such children present with, developmental delays and skin rash. The recommended doses of biotin for children include;
0-6 months: 5 mcg
6-12 months: 6 mcg
4-8 years: 12 mcg
1-3 years: 8 mcg
9-13 years: 20 mcg
Biotin Weight Loss/Gain Reviews, Yahoo & Other Online Platforms
According to user opinions posted on various online platforms including Yahoo, WebMD & Beautylish, biotin can make you gain weight. This is based on the fact that every person reacts differently to different supplements and medication. What this means is that biotin does not work same way for everyone. The effects of using this supplement differ from one to another.
Beautylish User Reviews on Biotin, Weight Gain & Appetite
Beautylish seems to have the most number of users who say biotin has truly made them gain weight. Most the users bought it for their hair. For many of the reviewers, their hair and nails seem to have improved but with improvement came an increase in their weight.
One aspect that seems common amongst a couple of the reviewers is that biotin increases your appetite which you will be eating more and more. The link between biotin and appetite is not clear. In fact, some claim that biotin actually curbs hunger.
Here are some of the user reviews
“I have always had a high metabolism and I’m very active, so I don’t really worry about weight gain. I eat very healthy and work out regularly. I’m 5’5 and normally weight anywhere from 116-118. I’ve been taking biotin 5,000mcg twice a day for the past 7 months and have gained weight!! I have gained about 12 pounds. I couldn’t figure out why I had gained the weight. So I started exercising even more and couldn’t lose the weight. Even though I love what biotin has done for my hair and skin, it’s just not worth the weight gain. This makes so much sense. I am going to stop taking it from now on. Thanks for sharing your experiences, ladies! This has really helped me.”,
“… I am very active as well and eat healthy like 95% of the time and I have definitely noticed weight gain. IT MAKES YOU CONSTANTLY HUNGRY! It’s uncontrollable! Also I use an acne treatment that is VERY effective and since I started taking Biotin my face has gotten considerably worse. So yep. You either get good hair and nails or you get acne and weight gain. Your choice.”
“Ladies all of your comments have been so helpful… I’m 46 and have had weight loss surgery I’ve lost 152lbs for almost 4yrs now. I recently about 3 weeks ago started taking 1000mcg Biotin as advised by my cousin to thicken my hair. And strangely have been eating even more than I can take in. I’m constantly hungry and I have gained 6lbs added on to the 6 I gained during the holidays lol. I started to panic that my surgical procedure was starting to fail.
Your comments have truly helped me. Now I have to get this 12lbs off of me for good. Good luck to you all.”
WebMD Review
On WebMD answers, Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen, a registered dietitian with 15 years of experience in the nutrition field, says that there is no research that biotin causes weight gain. Weight gain is typically caused by a calorie imbalance and certain medications, but not vitamins. If you want to control your weight, a balanced diet is more effective than supplements

Does Biotin make you gain or lose Weight Yahoo
On Yahoo there is little rant. Most users agree that biotin does not make you gain weight. Here a few reviews from yahoo users.
“I don’t think biotin makes you gain weight. Maybe you can cut down on sugar sweets, processed food (anything that is packaged), fast food and junk food. All that makes us gain weight. But you can also stop taking biotin to see if that is the cause of weight gain.”
“No. Biotin will not have any effect on your weight.”
Biotin 5000Mcg, 1000Mcg & 10000Mcg Weight Gain & Weight Loss
Metabolic rate is elevated, meaning faster absorption and consumption of these foods. To maximize its benefits, it is recommended that one take biotin alongside other B vitamins especially B5, choline and pantothenic acid.
Natural benefits of weight loss can be achieved by consuming a well-balanced diet, exercise and consistency. Animal foods and many vegetables contain biotin. Molasses and yeasts also contain high levels of biotin. If you are seeking biotin supplements for weight loss, at least 300mcg of biotin should be taken daily.
Biotin 5000Mcg, 1000Mcg & 10000Mcg
Biotin 5000mcg is the most popular supplement of all biotin supplements. This is so due to its ease in consumption as one does not need to take many pills per day. For those who take biotin 5000, it is advisable to take these pills in a two-divided course, one in the morning and the other in the evening. Biotin 1000mcg & 10000mcg are two other common supplements. The amount and how you should take it is usually indicated on the label. If you are not sure, seek advice from your doctor.
In a nutshell, biotin isn’t really designed to make gain weight but basing on user opinions it may make you gain. It all depends on how body will react with it. A balanced diet, including vitamins, is necessary not only for good health but also attaining a healthy weight. It important to note that quality vitamins come from whole foods not supplements or pills. Tests also show that your body digests and utilizes vitamins from whole food sources better than from pills.
Sources and Citations
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